Welcome to Hankmeister.com
In memory of my wonderful sister Belle, who passed on 18 February 2015. She fought colorectal cancer for 7+ years. Much love to her family - Stephen, Amber and Michael.
Last updated: 16 Nov 2012
Sorry to report the Hankmeister no longer exists.
Hank's homepage on the web
Bear with me as I get into figuring out how the heck to do this. First, a little bit about myself! I'm currently cluelesss, and am not happy with myself. My own fault though.
Wow. Re-learning FTP and html editing. Sux. With everybody using Facebook and MySpace to make 'pages' it's becoming a lost art!
That's me in front of a King Tiger tank, in La Gleize Belgium. That was in July 2004.
As for myself, I'm 40 years, 10 months old, in the U.S. Air Force, and currently stationed at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Originally from Phoenix Arizona, The Valley of the Sun, I was in Europe from 1987 to 2004. Nine and a half years in Germany, then 15 1/2 months in Turkey, and now I've spent the last 6 years in Germany again. Arrived in Florida on 31 October 2004, for at least the next couple of years this will be home.
So, now to the best part: my hobbies! First it was collecting Hard Rock Cafe pins. Got "bit" in June of 1994 at the Hard Rock Cafe in Las Vegas. Bought my first pin, the King of Clubs guitar. Wound up visiting Los Angeles that trip too, bought the Van Halen Kramer.
Since then, I tried collecting for awhile, but lately it's gotten out of control. Pin production that is. Clones for everything, "limited editions" every 3 months, every possible reason they can think of, there's a pin. So I've narrowed it down to 1) older pins, and 2) whatever might really strike me as attractive.
Now I've got the 3rd Reich German WW2 Medal and Document bug. Way more expensive than the HRC pins ever were...but just as interesting, if not more! Plus, the stuff seems to hold it's value better than HRC pins.
Pictures from where I live!!! Check the link below!
17 Sep 2002 - Was when I did 3 weeks in Norway. That was a good time. Went to Trondheim, bought
souvenirs and had a couple of beers. That's me on the left...Cool, no?
I'd also like to thank a number of people who I have gotten pins from
to make my collection so darn great:
Chaz Brunton, Colin Blight, Adrian Ceballos, Mike Williams, Michael Terrill, Jim Haron,
Martin Bailey, Leila Mead, Ted Paget, and a WHOLE BUNCH of others. Thanks very much, you guys are great!!!!
Enough of that for now, how about a look at:
(Buttons still don't work, haven't figured those out!)
My TR Collection. |
E-mail me!! Write to the Hankmeister!
Last updated: 28 Feb 2007
Really too long since I did anything here. New pic on the homepage of Boto and myself at Mardi Paws in SanDestin, Florida. I'm on the left!
Also, did some very minor text editing on some of the inner pages...
Last updated: 16 June 2006
Added some photos from where I'm at in Florida.
Dang, has it really been that long since my last update?
Also starting to thin out my
HRC pin collection, really need to start updating that.
Last updated: 09 November 2005
More updates to Herr Krummenoehl WW2 Photo album. Other small changes here and there.
04 November 2005
Changed layout of Krummenoehl WW2 Photo album. Other small changes here and there.
July 15, 2005
- Added the first overall 3rd Reich collection pics, after the Krummenoehl pictures! Some various pictures to My Collection/Pins by City page, AND a new look at my latest collecting bug.
LATEST UPDATE: 18 July 2005 - I'm living in Crestucky, er, Crestview, Florida.
Hard Rock Cafe is a trademarked logo, and this page makes no attempt to promote or infringe
upon this world-wide recognized symbol. Love all, and serve all. And enjoy yourself. You deserve it.